Let MUR ship your future
Our offices are spread across the world on important trade routes, enabling us to offer the very best client service and responsiveness to fast changing market conditions.
Contact our regional offices for a quote for services, to talk to our commercial or operations teams.

Registered Head Office
MUR Group B.V.
Prismatrium Gebouw
Hogehilweg 18
1101 CD Amsterdam
Tel: +31 20 642 4361
Fax: +31 20 404 4307
8, Remus Opreanu Street
Constanta, 900734
Tel: +40 241 554 979
Cristian Tiru
+40 722 577 781
Gelu Batrinca
+40 722 273 580
Rungsted Havn 16F,
1st floor, DK-2960,
Rungsted Kyst
Copenhagen, Denmark
Tel: +45 70 23 2404
Anne Askov
+45 5130 7928
Jens Hjort Jensen
+45 4075 6683
Jonathan Hovmand
+45 4016 2900
Patrick Creaven
+45 7170 1491
Andries Nel
+45 3045 9334
Dorthe Christensen
+45 4058 3929
Lotte Boegh Lander
+45 2178 3575
Mikkel Grube Hansen
+45 2146 7402
Søren Hansen
+45 4046 8620
MUR Office
Building no. 4, Suite 226
Gold and Diamond Park
Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
PO BOX 262206
Tel: +971 4 341 5701
Dockendale office
Gold and Diamond Park
Building no. 4, Suite 227
Sheik Zayed Road
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 341 5701
Adil Iqbal
+971 56 114 8931
Ali Gohar
+971 56 114 8937
Chiho Nagashiki
+971 50 559 8962
Faizan Hashmi
+971 50 653 3501
Fernão Bertoli
+971 50 451 1862
Hatice Dogan
+971 50 659 1967
Hiroyuki Hasenaka
+971 50 455 0388
Ian Norquay
+971 50 552 0775
Jens Ole Elkjᴂr
+971 50 458 1934
Karl Arthur
+971 50 277 7953
Karn Kapoor
+971 50 554 9692
Massimo Vuotto
+971 50 653 4595
Mohamed Moola
+971 50 658 2261
Peter Hansen
+971 50 458 3154
Robert De Laaf
+971 50 659 1969
Rodrigo Leandro
+971 50 652 4195
Sara Scaramelli
+971 56 676 4139
Soren Hegerslund
+971 50 144 4156
Akhil Cherian
+971 56 537 6964
Doyel Rodrigues
+971 56 113 3293
Henrik Andersen
+971 50 554 3236
Hye Jin Son
+971 56 696 2734
Jake Saraus
+971 50 451 2043
Jingjing Xu
+971 56 114 8947
Ketan Gokhale
+971 56 676 0318
Nelda Encinares
+971 56 114 8936
MUR Port Operations Durban
1st Floor
Coral Building
Abrey Eco Park
5 Abrey Road
Tel: +27 31 493 2109
Room 1930, 19th Floor
Sun Hung Kai Centre
30 Harbour Road
Wan Chai, Hong Kong SAR
Tel: +852 2877 8222
Derek Chen
+852 9168 0822
Edmond Chan
+852 6388 0727
Patrick Guo
+852 9668 3546
Vane Chen
+852 9077 3699
Chan Yue Fung Veendam
+852 9163 3038
Lexie An
+852 9868 1957
Wu Fan
+852 9868 3539
Atholl Towers, 5th floor
129 Patricia Road
Sandown Ext 3
Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel: +27 10 003 3400
Astrid Grimbeek
+27 82 492 3868
Carol Sauermann
+27 83 632 0975
Vanessa Dimitriadis
+27 83 461 2652
Abdul Jeebhai
+27 82 553 9161
Bernadine Naidoo
+27 79 228 5432
Jacob Ohlsson
+27 82 379 7072
Karina Pillay
+27 82 418 7416
Unit no. 17 – 21
Technopolis Knowledge Park
Mahakali Caves Road, Chakala
Andheri (East)
Mumbai, 400093
Maharashtra, India
Tel: +91 22 6851 0200
dsctec@dockendale.net (Technical)
dscman@dockendale.net (Crewing)
319 E Carrillo Street
Suite 201, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
United States of America
Tel: +1 805 845 8778
Mark Cederberg
+1 206 261 5042
Peter Vander Hoek
+1 206 747 2355
Ingrid Aam
+56 9 6835 3621
Tel: +65 686 638 82
Level 12
124 Walker Street
North Sydney
Sydney, NSW 2060
Tel: +61 2 8912 5000
David Paris
+61 417 685 063
Douglas Griffiths
+61 407 979 344
Drayton Salkeld
+61 418 230 777
Eric Zhang
+61 497 777 996
Ian Latimer
+61 439 460 287
Jason Smith
+61 411 598 937
Louise Ting
+61 439 456 622
Patrick Turner
+61 437 441 600
Arzan Balsara
+61 448 382 504
Mark Desa
+61 401 998 850
Saad Aldach
+61 400 849 286
Shaun McCarthy
+61 437 969 271