Our range of vessels increases the number of ports we can use

MUR has an owned and controlled vessel fleet of 63. The average age of the fleet is just 8.3 years – which compares very favourably to the 13.5 year average age of the global fleet.

Almost 80% of our ships have an efficiency rating of C or above – compared to just 65% of the global fleet – with over half in the coveted A and B categories.



The owned and controlled fleet is supplemented by chartered vessels to achieve the fleet size of approximately 140 vessels on the water at any given time.

With such a critical mass of vessels, we are well positioned to cater for the varied needs of our customers. This is one of the reasons why we measure most of our clients relationships in decades rather than voyages.


Click on one of the column headings to re-order the fleet list in ascending or descending order.

Key facts

1000 +

voyages worldwide annually

24 +

trade routes



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